Emily Przysinda publishes dissertation paper

Former MD/PhD student in the lab, Emily Przysinda, published one of her dissertation papers on the neural bases of awkwardness processing in schizophrenia in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Congrats, Emily!

Abhishek wins Smadar Levin runner-up award at SRP

Lab alumn, Abhishek Saxena, wins a Smadar Levin runner-up award at the Society for Research in Psychopathology for his project entitled, Testing Measurement Invariance of the Prodromal Questionnaire-Brief (PQ-B) Across Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Race/Ethnicity, and Generational Status in Young Adults across the United States. Congrats, Abhishek!

Kaitlyn Kaiser joins the lab!

Kaitlyn joins SCP Lab as a clinical psychology PhD student working with Dr. Dodell-Feder and Dr. Steven Silverstein in the Department of Psychiatry. Welcome, Kaitlyn!