Thanks for your interest in participating!
We are always looking for participants to take part in our research at the SCP Lab. Below are a list of the current studies of which we are recruiting for.
If you wish to participate in any of these studies, and the inclusion criteria applies to you, send us an email!
Neurofeedback for Changes in Emotion, Perception, and Thinking Study
We are recruiting individuals who are between 15-30 years of age and receiving services at INTERCEPT.
For more information, please see the following document: PDF
To participate, please email us at:
Understanding Other Minds
We are looking for individuals to participate in a brief, online study evaluating how we understand the minds of others. You will be asked to answer questions about how you think other people will think and feel. Participation is voluntary, anonymous, unpaid, and should last between 5-10 minutes. You will have the option of receiving an email describing the study findings at the conclusion of the study.
For more information, please see the following document: PDF
To participate, scan the QR code below or click on the following link: V_8eoW4HU0 WiQpCgm