September 2021
Former group member Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, was the lead author for a Featured Article, “Ptychography: A solution to the phase problem,” which appeared in the September 2021 issue of Physics Today. [74, 9, 42 (2021);] Manuel started advancing the field of ptychography here during his PhD thesis research in 2008. A couple of years earlier Manuel won the International Commission for Optics (ICO) Prize for his work (see below).
November 2019
Former group member Manuel Guizar-Sicairos was named the recipient of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) Prize for 2019 for making “seminal contributions to method and algorithm development, and application of coherent lensless imaging, ptychography, x-ray nanotomography, and scanning small-angle x-ray scattering.” Click here for more information about the prize and here for a more complete story.
September, 2019
Prof. Fienup was awarded the University of Rochester Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of distinguished achievement in Research, Education and Leadership. Click here for story.
Scott Will received a $500 travel grant to attend the 2019 Optical Society (OSA) Frontiers in Optics (FiO) conference, where he was a finalist in the Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition for his paper, “Understanding polarization aberrations in the LUVOIR coronagraph instrument.”
June 4, 2019
James Webb Space Telescope will rely on Fienup’s algorithms to see clearly.
Click here for story.
August – September 2017
Students Scott Paine and Matt Bergkoetter spent a month at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, helping with the final cryo-vac testing of the James Webb Space Telescope. They survived hurricane Harvey unscathed.
May 2005
NASA announced the award to Matt Bolcar of a 2005 Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP) fellowship. His proposal, “Phase Diversity as a Form of Wavefront Sensing for Future NASA Missions” was one of only 6 funded out of the 70 submitted to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
May 2005
Greg Brady’s poster paper, “Phase Retrieval as an Optical Metrology Tool,” at Optifab 2005 was awarded a prize as the second best poster of the conference by the American Precision Optics Manufacturers Association (APOMA).
July 2004
Matt Bolcar was awarded a $500.00 prize for his project, “Design of a Sparse Aperture Interferometric Telescope,” in the Optical Research Associates’ Optical Design Competition.
The design, and details of a single collector: