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Holiday party!
We somehow all knew to use red for our Secret Santa gifts! (unplanned)
The Welte lab attends the Biology Department’s fall retreat
Welte lab and Chen lab take on Cinemark
Barbie day!
Typical Rochester snow storm on James’ birthday
Family photo
Michael, Marcus, Pakinee, and Roger attend the lipid droplet conference
(finally) redesigning the lab website
Celebrating Michael’s birthday at lab meeting (note the party hat)
Out to dinner to celebrate James’ acceptance into grad school!
San Diego trip to the Fly Conference
St. Patty’s Day Shenanigans
Celebrating Pakinee’s birthday in the lab
Visiting Roxan at her new post doc position at the NIH in MD
UofR Biology (first ever!) Kickball Team 2018
Toronto Trip, 2018
Michael mid-swing at the Howard Bryant Tournament, 2017.
Matt putting at the Howard Bryant Tournament, 2017.
Seneca Park Zoo, Rochester
Wine tour in Cayuga!