
The group focuses on experimental and theoretical nonlinear optics for a variety of applications.  Research includes ultrafast nonlinear optics for applications such as bio-imaging, light-sound interactions for applications including RF-photonics and quantum computing, and optical computing platforms for low-power brain-scale information processing


Recent News:

  • Renninger receives the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).  Thanks to everyone’s support from mentors to students to the university and the US government!
  • Wendao’s ultra-narrow linewidth Brillouin scattering results published in APL Photonics.
  • Surface acoustic wave work featured in OPN’s ‘Optics in 2024’ issue here!
  • Arjun and Wendao publish a simple optical method to access and control surface acoustic waves in Nature Communications.  See the recent news article here.
  • Yuelin Chen, Connor Hewson, and Liam Young join the group for their PhDs. Welcome!!
  • Renninger receives the 2023 Adolph Lomb Medal and the 2023 DARPA Young faculty Award.  Incredible to join such amazing company!
  • Haozhen Xu joins the group. Welcome!
  • Emily DeVeyra joins the group for summer 2023. Welcome!
  • Arjun Iyer wins “Best Presentation Award” at WOMBAT 2022 at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany.  Congrats Arjun!!


  • Chirped pulses recently discovered in normal dispersion fiber Kerr resonators –  this research is published in Optica and a news article can be found here.
  • The femtosecond team discovers an exciting new soliton which supports the shortest pulses to date from fiber Kerr resonators – now published in Physical Review Letters.  News article found here
  • The Group wins the 2020 NSF CAREER award for research in optomechanics

Interested PhD candidates are encouraged to apply to the Institute of Optics.  Current Rochester PhD  candidates are encouraged to email to discuss research opportunities.

Several Master’s thesis and undergraduate research projects are also available for admitted students.

The group is currently recruiting exceptionally qualified postdocs.