Refereed Journal Publications:


15. Z. Ye, B. Harrington, and A.D. Pickel, “Optical super-resolution nanothermometry via stimulated emission depletion imaging of upconverting nanoparticles,” Science Advances 10, eado6268 (2024).

Selected media coverage:    • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): Uncovering Hotspots in Electronics at Nanoscale    • Optics & Photonics News (membership magazine of Optica, formerly the Optical Society of America): Lasers Turn Nanoparticles Into Tiny Thermometers    • Semiconductor Engineering: Mapping Heat Transfer    • EurekAlert! (picked up by 10 other media outlets): New technique pinpoints nanoscale ‘hot spots’ in electronics to improve their longevity










14. B. Harrington*, Z. Ye*, L. Signor, and A.D. Pickel, “Luminescence Thermometry Beyond the Biological Realm,” ACS Nanoscience Au 4, 21-29 (2024). 
denotes equal contribution to this work

  • Selected as an ACS Editors’ Choice Article


13. D.R. Luntz-Martin, D.K. Bommidi, K. Zhang, A.D. Pickel, and A.N. Vamivakas, “Nanothermometry in rarefied gas using optically levitated nanodiamonds,” Optics Express 31, 36219-36227 (2023).

12. Z. Ye, D.K. Bommidi, and A.D. Pickel, “Dual-Mode Operando Raman Spectroscopy and Upconversion Thermometry for Probing Thermal Contributions to Plasmonic Photocatalysis,” Advanced Optical Materials 11, 2300824 (2023).


11. C. Jian, Z. Ye, and A.D. Pickel, “Laser heating with doughnut-shaped beams,” Journal of Applied Physics 132, 245104 (2022).


10. D.K. Bommidi and A.D. Pickel, “Temperature-dependent excited state lifetimes of nitrogen vacancy centers in individual nanodiamonds,” Applied Physics Letters 119, 254103 (2021).


9. A.D. Pickel and C. Dames, “Size and shape effects on the measured peak temperatures of nanoscale hotspots,” Journal of Applied Physics 128, 045103 (2020).


8. A.D. Pickel, A. Teitelboim, E.M. Chan, N.J. Borys, P.J. Schuck, and C. Dames, “Apparent Self-Heating of Individual Upconverting Nanoparticle Thermometers,” Nature Communications 9, 4907 (2018).

7. G. Wehmeyer, A.D. Pickel, and C. Dames. “Onsager reciprocity relation for ballistic phonon heat transport in anisotropic thin films of arbitrary orientation,Physical Review B 98, 014304 (2018).

6. T. Li, A.D. Pickel, Y. Yao, Y. Chen, Y. Zeng, S.D. Lacey, Y. Li, Y. Wang, J. Dai, Y. Wang, B. Yang, M.S. Fuhrer, A. Marconnet, C. Dames, D.H. Drew, and L. Hu, “Thermoelectric properties and performance of flexible reduced graphene oxide films up to 3000 K,Nature Energy 3, 148-156 (2018).


5. J.D. Kilbane, E.M. Chan, C. Monachon, N.J. Borys, E.S. Levy, A.D. Pickel, J.J. Urban, P.J. Schuck, and C. Dames, “Far-field optical nanothermometry using individual sub-50 nm upconverting nanoparticles,Nanoscale 8, 11611 (2016).

4. W. Bao*, A.D. Pickel*, Q. Zhang*, Y. Chen*, Y. Yao*, J. Wan, K. Fu, Y. Wang, J. Dai, H. Zhu, D. Drew, M. Fuhrer, C. Dames, and L. Hu, “Flexible, High Temperature, Planar Lighting with Large Scale Printable Nanocarbon Paper,Advanced Materials 28, 4684-4691 (2016).
denotes equal contribution to this work


3. S. Xu, A.H. Habib, A.D. Pickel, and M.E. McHenry, “Magnetic Nanoparticle-based Solder Composites for Electronic Packaging Applications,Progress in Materials Science 67, 95-160 (2015).


2. S. Xu, A. Prasitthipayong, A.D. Pickel, A.H. Habib, and M.E. McHenry, “Mechanical Properties of FeCo Magnetic Particles-based Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Composites,Applied Physics Letters 102, 251909 (2013).

1. S. Xu, A.D. Pickel, A. Prasitthipayong, A.H. Habib, and M.E. McHenry, “Modeling of Localized Reflow in Solder/Magnetic Nanocomposites for Area-Array Packaging,Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17A305 (2013).  

Preprints and Non-Refereed Publications:

2. 36 authors including A.D. Pickel, “35 challenges in materials science being tackled by PIs under 35(ish) in 2021,” Matter 4, 3804-3810 (2021).

1. C.D. Aiello, A.D. Pickel, E. Barnard, R.B. Wai, C. Monachon, E. Wong, S. Aloni, F. Ogletree, C. Dames, and N. Ginsberg, “Cathodoluminescence-based nanoscopic thermometry in a lanthanide-doped phosphor,” arXiv:1810.07581 [cond-mat.mes-hall].