Expressed and perceived honesty benefits relationships even when couples are not accurate

Bonnie M. Le, * Princeton X. Chee, * Claire. J. Shimshock, & Jenny D. V. Le (2025).

Social Psychological and Personality Science


Feeling appreciated promotes prosocial motivation in avoidantly attached individuals

Kristina M. Schrage, Bonnie M. Le, Jennifer E. Stellar, & Emily A. Impett (2024).

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin


Thank you for changing: Gratitude promotes autonomous motivation and successful partner regulation

Natalie M. Sisson, Yoobin Park, Nickola C. Overall, Gideon H. Park, Matthew D. Johnson, Jennifer E. Stellar, Bonnie M. Le, and Emily A. Impett (2024).

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin


Shared hearts and minds: Physiological synchrony during empathy

Jaweria Qaiser, Nathan D. Leonhardt, Bonnie M. Le, Amie M. Gordon, Emily A. Impett, & Jennifer E. Stellar  (2023).

Affective Science


Having the will, finding the ways, and wishes for the future: A model of relational hope and well-being

Claire J. Shimshock & Bonnie M. Le (2022).

Social and Personality Psychology Compass 


When we’re asked to change: The role of suppression and reappraisal in partner change outcomes

Natalie M. Sisson, Grace Wang, Bonnie M. Le, Jennifer Stellar, & Emily A. Impett (2022).

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships


    The benefits of living with close others: A longitudinal investigation of mental health before and during a global stressor

    Natalie M. Sisson, Emily C. Willroth, Bonnie M. Le, & Brett Q. Ford (2022).

    Clinical Psychological Science


    Lightening the load: Perceived partner responsiveness fosters more positive appraisals of relational sacrifices

    Mariko L. Visserman, Amy Muise, Francesca Righetti, Rebecca M. Horne, Bonnie M. Le, Stéphane Côté, & Emily A. Impett (2022).

    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology


    How can I thank you? Highlighting the benefactor’s responsiveness or costs when expressing gratitude

    Yoobin Park, Mariko L. Visserman, Natalie M. Sisson, Bonnie M. Le, Jennifer E. Stellar, & Emily A. Impett (2021).

    Journal of Social and Personal Relationships


    The distinct effects of empathic accuracy for a romantic partner’s appeasement and dominance emotions

    Bonnie M. Le, Stéphane Côté, Jennifer E. Stellar, & Emily A. Impett (2020).

    Psychological Science


    On the strength of ties that bind: Measuring the strength of norms in romantic relationships

    John K. Sakaluk,  Monica Biernat, Bonnie M. Le, Sarah Lundy, & Emily A. Impett (2020).

    Journal of Social and Personal Relationships


    Communal motivation

    Bonnie M. Le & Emily A. Impett (2019).

    Macmillan Encyclopedia of Intimate and Family Relationships


    Communal motivation and well-being in interpersonal relationships: An integrative review and meta-analysis

    Bonnie M. Le, Emily A. Impett, Edward P. Lemay Jr., Amy Muise, & Konstantin O. Tskhay (2018).

    Psychological Bulletin


    When you think your partner is holding back: The costs of perceived partner suppression during relationship sacrifice

    Emily A. Impett, Bonnie M. Le, Aleksandr Kogan, Christopher Oveis, & Dacher Keltner (2014).

    Social Psychological and Personality Science


    The joys of genuine giving: Approach and avoidance sacrifice motivation and authenticity

    Emily A. Impett, Leyla Javam, Bonnie M. Le, Behzad Asyaby-Eshghi, & Aleksandr Kogan (2013).

    Personal Relationships


    To give or not to give? Sacrificing for avoidance goals is not costly for the highly interdependent

    Emily A. Impett, Bonnie M. Le, Behzad Asyabi-Eshghi, Lisa C. Day, & Aleksandr Kogan (2013).

    Social Psychological and Personality Science


    When holding back helps: Suppressing negative emotions during sacrifice feels authentic and is beneficial for the highly interdependent

    Bonnie M. Le & Emily A. Impett (2013).

    Psychological Science


    The personal and interpersonal rewards of communal orientation

    Bonnie M. Le, Emily A. Impett, Aleksandr Kogan, Gregory D. Webster, & Cecilia Cheng (2013).

    Journal of Social and Personal Relationships