Fostering Care and Connection

Research in our lab is focused on the study of relationships and well-being. We examine how the different ways in which people care and connect with each other impacts personal and relationship well-being.


We study the careful balance of care needed to foster satisfying relationships, while also sustaining one's own well-being.


We study how the emotions we express and perceive in others affects our ability to build deeper social connections.


We study how emotions and motivations uniquely shape personal well-being, partner well-being, and overall relationship quality.

Recent News

Princeton Chee presents at SPSP

Princeton Chee gave a data blitz talk at the Happiness and Well-Being preconference sharing his work on how prosociality can buffer against loneliness and boost well-being. He also presented a poster at the Emotion preconference and main conference on how parental awe and pride shape well-being. Great work, Princeton!

Claire Shimshock presents at SPSP

Claire Shimshock chaired the symposium "Help or hindrance? When and how others impact goal pursuit". As part of the symposium, she gave a talk on her work demonstrating how hope benefits couples' goals and well-being. She also presented a poster at the Close Relationships preconference and main conference on how behavioral variability in physiological synchrony between romantic partners. Great work, Claire!

Bonnie Le presents at SPSP

Bonnie Le presents at SPSP

Bonnie Le gave a talk at the Emotion preconference. She shared findings from her work, conducted in collaboration with Claire Shimshock, Princeton Chee, and Jenny Le, on how honesty shapes the personal and interpersonal benefits of gratitude.

Princeton Chee Selected as Runner-Up for the SPSP Student Poster Award

Princeton Chee was selected as a runner-up for the 2025 SPSP Student Poster Award for his work on how experiences of awe and pride shape parental well-being. As a runner-up, Princeton was selected as one of the top 10 posters at the conference demonstrating excellence in research, clarity in presentation, and personal knowledge. Congratulations, Princeton!

Claire Shimshock Receives the Edward Peck Curtis Award

Claire received the Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student. Each year this award is given to the top graduate students at the University of Rochester who excel in advancing the teaching mission of UR by providing highly skilled and innovative instruction to undergraduate students. Congratulations, Claire!

Claire Shimshock Receives Alfred Baldwin Award

Claire received the Baldwin Award this year from the Department of Psychology for her standout research productivity. Each year this award is given to the top students who have made important contributions in a program of research and demonstrate significant promise and potential for future independent contributions to psychological research. Congratulations, Claire!

Princeton Chee presents at the The Love Consortium Virtual Symposium

Princeton Chee gave a talk at the The Love Consortium Virtual Symposium on "Familial Influences on Love." He shared findings from work conducted in collaboration with Claire Shimshock and Bonnie Le on the distinct emotional rewards of awe and pride on parental well-being. Great work, Princeton!

Bonnie Le presents at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology

In the symposium “Everyday behaviours that promote social relationships: Insights from relationship science,” Bonnie shared her work alongside colleagues Sara Algoe, Amie Gordon, and Tatum Jolink. Bonnie presented her work on the effects of honesty during challenging conversations.

The Le Lab visits the Toronto Relationships Interest Group

At TRIG, Claire presented her work on how gratitude may promote or hinder relational well-being, Princeton presented his work on how awe and pride promote parental well-being, and Bonnie presented her work on how honesty shapes well-being across relationship contexts.

Bonnie Le visits Singapore Management University

Bonnie gave a visiting talk, "Fostering Relationship Well-Being in the Good and the Bad Times," at the School of Social Sciences Seminar at Singapore Management University.

Claire presents at the International Association for Relationships Research Conference

Claire Shimshock gave a talk at the International Association for Relationships Research Conference in Boston. She shared findings from work conducted in collaboration with Bonnie Le on the long-term benefits of relational hope for couples' goal pursuit and well-being. Great work, Claire!

Princeton presents at the International Association for Relationships Research Conference

Princeton Chee gave a talk at the International Association for Relationships Research Conference in Boston. He shared findings from work conducted in collaboration with Claire Shimshock and Bonnie Le on the distinct emotional rewards of awe and pride on parental well-being. Great work, Princeton!

Princeton Chee presents at the APS and TLC Conferences

Princeton gave talks at the Association for Psychological Science Convention in San Francisco and The Love Consortium Conference in Chapel Hill. There he shared findings from work conducted in collaboration with Claire Shimshock and Bonnie Le on the distinct emotional rewards of awe and pride on parental well-being. Great work, Princeton!

Bonnie Le presents at The Love Consortium Conference

Bonnie gave a talk at The Love Consortium Conference in Chapel Hill. She shared findings from work conducted in collaboration with Princeton Chee, Claire Shimshock, and Jenny Le on the distinct effects of honest expressions, honest perceptions, and honest connections on well-being, love, and change.

Princeton Chee wins University of Rochester Graduate Research Symposium Poster Award

Princeton’s poster “Feeling awe and pride in parenthood: The unique emotional rewards of parenting on well-being” was selected as the top poster award winner from over 50 interdisciplinary posters in the social sciences at the University of Rochester. Congrats, Princeton!

Claire Shimshock receives the The Love Consortium Graduate Student Gratitude Grant

Claire received the TLC grant to support her research proposal "Unheard gratitude: How recipients’ responses to gratitude expressions shape couples’ well-being." Congrats, Claire!

University of Rochester

Department of Psychology
467 Meliora Hall
Rochester, NY 14627
















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