Farewell lunch for Alexis (right) with Luis and Junchi at Haveli (Indian food) on November 28, 2023.Enjoying lunch with Christos (left) and Alexis (right) on September 28, 2023 at Jines on Park Avenue.Agrawal in front of the High Falls of Rochester on May 15, 2023.Agrawal took this photo while attending the PhD degree ceremony in the Eastman Theatre on May 12, 2023.Agrawal’s children and grandchildren visited his laboratory in Goergen Hall on April 6, 2023.
Agrawal at the Corbett Glen Park in Brighton on July 31, 2022.
Agrawal received the Lifetime Achievement Award of Hajim School of Engineering, Univ. of Rochester, in July 2020. This photo shows him discussing Optics in Goergen Hall with Swati Bhargava.
Agrawal visiting the laboratory of Prof. Deepa Venkitesh (next to Agrawal on right)) at IIT Madras, India. Several of Deepa’s PhD students and Amira Ahsan (Agrawal’s PhD student) can also be seen.Agrawal with Donna Strickland during the Frontiers in Optics Conference in Washington, DC Few Professors with Endowed Chairs: G. Agrawal, J. Zavislan, J. Eberly, J. Fienup, X. Zhang, and N. BigelowFirst editions of Agrawal’s two books published in 1989 (right) and 1991 (left). This photo was taken for an article on the history of fiber optics at the Institute of Optics.
Gina Kern’s retirement party.: X. Zhang, G. Wicks, D. Moore, G. Kern, S. Carney, W. Knox, and W. HeinzelmanANTIKAINEN-Aku poster for his PhD Defense on 11-28-2018IIT Madras, OSA Chapter Talk, January 2018IIT Madras, Discussion with graduate students, January 2018IIT Madras, OSA Chapter Talk, January 2018IIT Madras, OSA Chapter Talk, January 2018
Agrawal’s group lunch at Tandoor Restaurant on honor of Simran Singh (postdoc), July 2017
Agrawal giving his invited talk at ICTCN, Budapest, Hungary, July, 2015International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Budapest, Hungary, July, 2015. Armando Pinto on the right was a visiting professor in Agrawal’s group at two occasions.Light in Science Summer School, Tequisquiapan, Mexico, August 19, 2015Agrawal receiving the OSA Beller Medal, during CLEO, San Jose, May 2015
Agrawal Meeting with his former PhD students, Zhi Liao, Joan Law, Lisa Liou, and Andrew Ryan, San Francisco, Feb. 2014
Agrawal receiving University’ Riker Award, Eastman Theater, Rochester, May 2013
Agrawal with Emil Wolf (center), Joseph Eberly (behind Wolf), Carlos Stroud (right) and others
Visiting South China Normal University, Gunagzhou, China, December 1999Visiting South China Normal University, Gunagzhou, China, December 1999Reception at the City Hall while several of us from the Institute visited University of Rennes, France in June 1999. Our host was Albert Le FLoch (third from left). Agrawal is next to him, followed with Turan Erdogan, Bob Boyd, and Susan Houde-Walter.
With Boris Malomed in Jerusalem, June 1996International Workshop on Superfluidity and Nonlinear Optics, Haifa, Israel, June 1996. Boris Malomed and Akira Hasegawa (in beige jacket) are on Govind Agrawal’s left and right side, respectivly.
With Yuri Kivshar in Canberra, Australia (Parliament in background)Picnic with Neil Akhmediev and others while vising Australian National University in Canberra, AustraliaGroup photo at Gordon Conference on Nonlinear Optics. There are too many in this photo to name here. How many people can you recognize?
Visiting Daan Lenstra (center) in Amsterdam; His student on right, Guido van Tartwijk, joined my group as a postdoc. George Gray (his right) was also a postdoc in my group.
Girish Agarwal and Govind Agrawal (yes, we are different) at Emil Wolf’s house at a dinner partyEmil Wolf’s house at a dinner party: Anne , Marlies (Wolf’s wife) , Girsih’s wife, and Bob Boyd