New preprint
We have posted a new preprint on coherent spin-valley oscillations in silicon quantum dots. Congratulations to Xinxin and Elliot!
Review papers
Two review papers by our group have just been published in MRS Bulletin and Applied Physics Letters!
New papers
Two of our papers have been published in Nature Communications (here and here). Congratulations to all!
New preprint
We have posted a new preprint on charge noise in Si/SiGe quantum dots and singlet-triplet qubits.
Featured article
Our research on quantum teleportation of electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots has been featured in a Nature Communications focus collection on quantum science!
New paper
Our work with the Hu group at the University at Buffalo and the Manfra group at Purdue University has been published in Physical Review Letters.
Welcome Xinxin
Welcome to new postdoctoral associate Dr. Xinxin Cai! Also, check out our new preprint on superexchange in quantum-dot spin chains.
Goodbye JJ
Postdoc JJ Nelson departs for a new job at SkyWater Technology. Good luck and best wishes JJ!
New preprint
We have posted a new preprint on adiabatic spin-state transfer in semiconductor quantum dots.