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December 5, 2021 | 12:25 pm

New preprint

We have posted a new preprint on coherent spin-valley oscillations in silicon quantum dots. Congratulations to Xinxin and Elliot!

July 20, 2021 | 04:20 pm

Review papers

Two review papers by our group have just been published in MRS Bulletin and Applied Physics Letters!

June 30, 2021 | 01:26 pm


Welcome to new group members Habitamu Walelign, Minerva Johar, and Elvis!

April 12, 2021 | 04:56 pm

New papers

Two of our papers have been published in Nature Communications (here and here). Congratulations to all!

March 5, 2021 | 10:14 pm

New preprint

We have posted a new preprint on charge noise in Si/SiGe quantum dots and singlet-triplet qubits.

February 3, 2021 | 02:41 pm

Featured article

Our research on quantum teleportation of electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots has been featured in a Nature Communications focus collection on quantum science!

January 6, 2021 | 05:37 pm

New paper

Our work with the Hu group at the University at Buffalo and the Manfra group at Purdue University has been published in Physical Review Letters.

September 18, 2020 | 08:21 pm

Welcome Xinxin

Welcome to new postdoctoral associate Dr. Xinxin Cai! Also, check out our new preprint on superexchange in quantum-dot spin chains.

August 29, 2020 | 11:17 am

Goodbye JJ

Postdoc JJ Nelson departs for a new job at SkyWater Technology. Good luck and best wishes JJ!

July 9, 2020 | 05:17 pm

New preprint

We have posted a new preprint on adiabatic spin-state transfer in semiconductor quantum dots.