Another new paper
Our collaboration with the Barnes group at Virginia Tech continues. We have posted another preprint on dynamically corrected quantum gates in spin qubits. Dynamically corrected gates are designed to cancel…
New paper
In collaboration with the Barnes group at Virginia Tech, we have posted a new preprint about using ballast charges to reduce noise in silicon quantum dots. Our idea is to…
Congratulations NG graduates!
Congratulations to Bingcheng Suo, Eric Li, Jiaxin Wang, and Dr. Yadav P. Kandel! We wish you the best, and we will miss you!
New Paper!
Our work with the Renninger Group in The Institute of Optics on optomechanical coupling with surface acoustic waves was published in Nature Communications!
If you’re at the MM, check out the NG!
T4 Quantum Computing PlatformsA46.00006 Characterization of individual charge fluctuators in Si/SiGe quantum dots – Part IA46.00007 Characterization of individual charge fluctuators in Si/SiGe quantum dots – Part II
New Paper
Check out our new preprint on characterizing individual sources of electrical noise in Si/SiGe spin qubits!
Welcome new students and paper!
Welcome to new students Jiheng Duan and Jake Markowski! Welcome to our new Phys. Rev. Applied paper!
Congratulations Dr. Kandel!
Congratulations to Yaad, who successfully defended his dissertation yesterday! We wish you all the best in your next adventures. After the defense, the group had a nice party for Yaad.
We keeping SAW-ing away…
Check out the newest results here and here from our collaboration with the Renninger Group in The Institute of Optics.