This page provides installation instructions for the SigPrep: Open Source Web-based Pre-Work for Signals and Systems which is described in the paper:
U. Demir and G. Sharma, “Open Source Web-based Pre-Work for Signals and Systems,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, accepted for publication, to appear.
You can view and and try out SigPrep using the sample course available here (Click Guest Login to log into the course as a guest). Although your students can also access this sample SigPrep course using the guest login, to use SigPrep effectively for your own Signals and Systems course, you should obtain a WeBWorK instructor account on a WeBWorK server. Please check the WeBWorK page for the (fairly large) list of institutions using WeBWork. Additionally, there are periodically free hosting offers from the Mathematical Association for America (MAA). Once your WeBWorK instructor account is set up, you can create our own instance of SigPrep by completing the following steps:
- Download the linked file SigPrep_Distribution.tgz
- Log-in to your WeBWorK account as an instructor and do the following:
- Upload the SigPrep Archive: Go to File Manager and upload the file Signals_PreReq_Distribution.tar using the Choose File and Upload buttons as as shown in the figure below.
- Import SigPrep Modules into your Course: Go to Hmwk Sets Editor, select the Import tab, in response to the question “Import how many sets?” select the response “multiple sets”, and in response to the question “Import from where?:” select the eight .def files corresponding to the “SigPrep” modules whose names begin with “setSigPrep_” (Cntrl+Click allows addition to selection and Shift+Click allows selection of a range), and in response to the question “Import sets with names:” leave the default response of “(taken from filenames)”. Leave other questions at their defaults or change them according to your requirements and then click on the “Take Action” button. The process is shown in the figure below.
- Update the Open, Close, and Answer Dates for Each Module: Repeat the steps listed below and illustrated in the figure below, for each module (there are a total of 8 modules in SigPrep) to update the Open, Close, and Answer posting Dates.
- Go to Hmwk Sets Editor
- Go to Edit Tab
- Select selected sets from the dropdown menu
- Select a Module
- Update assignment dates and times and click on the “Take Action!” button shown in the figure below.
- Upload the SigPrep Archive: Go to File Manager and upload the file Signals_PreReq_Distribution.tar using the Choose File and Upload buttons as as shown in the figure below.
- To add students to your WeBWorK SigPrep course follow the instructions provided on the WeBWorK Adding Students page.
Note: Folks with greater familiarity and expertise in WeBWorK may be able to help you with the installation of SigPrep and may offer simpler/faster ways that those listed above. If you find a method that is significantly better/easier, please send us an update.