
Environmental Geochemistry EESC216(W)/EESC416

This course presents the geochemical principles and tools that are needed to understand natural perturbations in earth’s critical zone and the fate of anthropogenic pollutants. Topics will include thermodynamics, kinetics, acid-base equilibria, oxidation-reduction reactions, carbonate chemistry, and isotope geochemistry. Class discussions and assignments will focus on the practical application of these topics to local and global environmental issues, such as air pollution and acid mine drainage. Environmental justice concepts are interwoven throughout the coursework. Students will conduct a guided research review on an environmental topic of their choice teach their fellow students about this topic in an end of semester presentation. Enrollment in lab is required. 

Who is this class for?

  • Students considering a career in the environmental field (e.g. USACE, EPA or other government agency, non-profit policy groups, environmental consulting firms, etc.)
  • Students conducting future research in geochemistry or related fields
  • Students wanting to fulfill their graduate, undergraduate major, or minor course requirements in geology, chemistry, engineering, etc.
  • Geoscience majors looking to improve their science writing skills with a W course
  • Students interested in the chemistry of the world around them and environmental issues

Introduction to Climate Change EESC105

This course explores the Earth’s dynamic climate system through lectures, discussions and computer-based modeling of climate processes. We work toward an understanding of several fundamental and important questions: What are the main factors that determine the Earth’s climate? What forces can drive climate to change? What can we learn from climate change in the Earth’s distant past, when our planet experienced periods of both extreme cold and warmth? How do we know that our climate is now changing? What can we expect from the Earth’s climate in the near future and how would it affect us? 

Who is this class for?

  • Undergraduates looking to explore the EES major/minors
  • Undergraduates interested in the science of climate change
  • Undergraduates that need to fulfill general course requirements for the EES major/minors
  • Undergraduates that have taken at least high school level chemistry and algebra

Radioisotope Geochemistry EESC262/462

This course covers the principles of radioactivity, nuclear physics, and the use of radioisotopes as tracers for biogeochemical processes in the natural environment. While classical geochemistry fundamentals will be presented, the coursework heavily focus on real-world applications, career-focused activities and ‘big questions’ in the earth sciences. This includes reading and analyzing historical and cutting-edge journal articles that employ tracers in oceanic, glacial, riverine, and terrestrial research. Topics will also include the use of radioisotopes in climate change and pollution studies.

Who is this class for?

  • Students considering a career in the environmental field (e.g. USACE, EPA or other government agency, non-profit policy groups, environmental consulting firms, etc.)
  • Students conducting current or future research in geochemistry or related fields
  • Undergraduates preparing for graduate programs in geology, oceanography, or other environmental fields.
  • Early UR graduate students (1-2 year) looking to improve their research skills (i.e. rapid paper reading, literature reviews, elevator pitches, conference presentations)
  • Students from all majors interested in environmental issues and the tools we use to answer many of the past and present ‘big questions’ in earth science