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University of Rochester

Nichol Group

Exploring the quantum physics of electrons

Latest news

New paper

Our paper on the formation of a nuclear-spin dark state in silicon has been published in Nature Physics. We show that using the electrons in quantum dots, we can drive the nuclei into a collective state with a significantly reduced interaction with the electron spins. This state has long been predicted but not observed until now!

figure 4

New paper

Check out our most recent paper: an Editors’ suggestion in Physical Review B about electrical fluctuations in silicon quantum dots.

New paper

Our paper on dynamically corrected gates in singlet-triplet qubits has been published as an editors’ suggestion in Physical Review Applied. This work is a collaboration with the group of Ed Barnes at Virginia Tech. Check it out here!


Welcome to one more dilution refrigerator. The fridges are done multiplying…for a while anyway.