

“Memorization of Strain-Induced Moiré Patterns in Vertical van der Waals Materials”
A. Dey, N. Hasan, S. M. Wu, H. Askari
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces X(X),XXXX (2025)


“Millimeter-scale Exfoliation of hBN with Tunable Flake Thickness for Scalable Encapsulation”
A. McKeown-Green, H. Zeng, A. Saunders, J.  Li, J.  Shi, Y. Shen, F. Pan, J.  Hu, J.  Dionne, T.  Heinz, S. M. Wu, F.  Zheng, F.  Liu
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 7(6), 6574 (2024)

“Uniaxial Strain-Induced Stacking Order Change in Trilayer Graphene”
A. Dey, A. Azizimanesh, S. M. Wu, H. Askari
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16(6), 8169 (2024)

“Patternable Process-Induced Strain In 2D Monolayers and Heterobilayers”
Y. Zhang, M. Hossain, K. Hwang, P. F. Ferrari, J. Maduzia, T. Peña, S. M. Wu, E. Ertekin, A. van der Zande
ACS Nano 18(5), 4205 (2024)

“Strain engineering of vertical molybdenum ditelluride phase-change memristors”
W. Hou, A. Azizimanesh, A. Dey, Y. Yang, W. Wang, C. Shao, H. Wu, H. Askari, S. Singh, S. M. Wu
Nature Electronics 7, 8 (2024)


“Strain engineering in 2D hBN and graphene with evaporated thin film stressors”
A. Azizimanesh, A. Dey, S. A. Chowdhury, E. Wenner,  W. Hou, T. Peña, H. Askari,  S. M. Wu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 043504 (2023)

“Moiré Engineering in 2D Heterostructures with Process-Induced Strain”
T. Peña, A. Dey, S. A. Chowdhury, A. Azizimanesh, W. Hou, A. Sewaket, C. L. Watson, H. Askari, S. M. Wu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 143101 (2023)

“An Atomistic Insight into Moiré Reconstruction in Twisted Bilayer Graphene beyond the Magic Angle”
A. Dey, S. A. Chowdhury, T. Peña, S. Singh, S. M. Wu, and H. Askari
ACS Appl. Eng. Mater. 1(3), 970 (2023)


“Ultrasonic Delamination Based Adhesion Testing for High-Throughput van der Waals Heteroepitaxy”
T. Peña, J. Holt, A. Sewaket, S. M. Wu
J. Appl. Phys. 132, 225302 (2022)

“Graphene and Beyond: Recent Advances in Two-Dimensional Materials Synthesis,
Properties, and Devices”

Y. Lei, T. Zhang, Y.Lin, T. Granzier-Nakajima, G. Bepete, D. A. Kowalczyk, Z. Lin, D. Zhou, T. F. Schranghamer, A. Dodda, A. Sebastian, Y. Chen, Y. Liu, G. Pourtois, T. J. Kempa, B. Schuler, M. T. Edmonds, S. Y. Quek, U. Wurstbauer, S. M. Wu, N. R. Glavin, S. Das, S. P. Dash, J. M. Redwing, J. A. Robinson, and M. Terrones
ACS Nanosci. Au 2(6), 450 (2022)

“Dynamic adhesion of 2D materials to mixed-phase BiFeO3 structural phase transitions”
C. Watson, T. Peña, M. Abdin, T. Khan, S. M. Wu
J. Appl. Phys. 132, 045301 (2022)
Selected as a Featured article.

“Nonvolatile Ferroelastic Strain from Flexoelectric Internal Bias Engineering”
W. Hou, S. A. Chowdhury, A. Dey, C. Watson, T. Peña, A. Azizimanesh, H. Askari, S. M. Wu
Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, 024013 (2022)
Selected for an Editors Suggestion.

“Temperature and time stability of process-induced strain engineering on 2D materials”
T. Peña, A. Azizimanesh, L. Qiu, A. Mukherjee, A. N. Vamivakas, S. M. Wu
J. Appl. Phys. 131, 024304 (2022)


“Strain Engineering 2D MoS2 with Thin Film Stress Capping Layers”
T. Peña, S. A. Chowdhury, A. Azizimanesh, A. Sewaket, H. Askari, S. M. Wu
2D Mater. 8, 045001 (2021)

“Mechanical Properties and Strain Transfer Behavior of Molybdenum Ditelluride (MoTe2) Thin Films”
S. A. Chowdhury , K. Inzani , T. Peña , A. Dey , S. M. Wu , S. M. Griffin , H. Askari
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 144, 011006  (2021)

“Uniaxial and biaxial strain engineering in 2D MoS2 with lithographically patterned thin film stressors”
A. Azizimanesh, T. Peña, A. Sewaket, W. Hou, and S. M. Wu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 213104 (2021)


“Strain tuning of the emission axis of quantum emitters in an atomically thin semiconductor”
C. Chakraborty, A. Mukherjee, H. Moon, K. Konthasinghe, L. Qiu, W. Hou, T. Peña, C. Watson, S. M. Wu, D. Englund, and N. Vamivakas
Optica 7, 580 (2020)


“Strain-based room-temperature non-volatile MoTe2 ferroelectric phase change transistor”
W. Hou, A. Azizimanesh, A. Sewaket, T. Peña, C. Watson, M. Liu, H. Askari, and S. M. Wu
Nature Nanotechnology 14, 668 (2019)
Highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology sister article: “The changing phase of data storage”

“Revealing the Coherence of Magnons”
S. M. Wu
Physics 12, 49 (2019)


“Probing short-range magnetic order in a geometrically frustrated magnet by means of the spin Seebeck effect”
C. Liu*, S. M. Wu*, J. E. Pearson, J. S. Jiang,  N. d’ Ambrumenil, and A. Bhattacharya
Phys.  Rev.  B 98, 060415(R) (2018)
*Denotes equal contribution
Selected for an Editors Suggestion.

“Tunable Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Resistive Memory through Oxide Superlattice Design”
J. D. Hoffman*, S. M. Wu*, B. J. Kirby, and A. Bhattacharya
Phys. Rev. Appl. 9, 044041 (2018)
*Denotes equal contribution


“Nanoscale measurement of Nernst effect in two-dimensional charge density wave material 1T-TaS2”
S. M. Wu, A. Luican-Mayer, and A. Bhattacharya
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 223109 (2017)


“Antiferromagnetic spin Seebeck effect”
S. M. Wu, W. Zhang, A. KC, P. Borisov, J. E Pearson, J. S. Jiang, D. Lederman, A. Hoffmann, and A. Bhattacharya
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 097204 (2016)
Highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology as Editors pick article: “Neel meets Seebeck” 

“Magnetic effects in sulfur-decorated graphene”
C. Hwang, S. A. Cybart, S. J. Shin, S. Kim, K. Kim, T. G. Rappoport, S. M. Wu, C. Jozwiak, A. V. Fedorov, S. K. Mo, D. H. Lee, B. I. Min, E. E. Haller, R. C. Dynes, A. H. Castro Neto, and A. Lanzara
Scientific Reports 6, 21460 (2016)

“Paramagnetic Spin Seebeck Effect”
S. M Wu, J. E. Pearson, and A. Bhattacharya
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 186602 (2015)
Selected as an Editors Suggestion.

 “Spin Seebeck devices using local on-chip heating”
S. M Wu, F. Y. Fradin, J. Hoffman, A. Hoffmann, and A. Bhattacharya
J. Appl. Phys. 117, 17C509 (2015)

“Spin waves in micro-structured yttrium iron garnet nanometer-thick films”
M. B. Jungfleisch, W. Zhang, W. Jiang, H. Chang, J. Sklenar, S. M. Wu, J. E. Pearson, A. Bhattacharya, J. B. Ketterson, M. Wu, and A. Hoffmann
J. Appl. Phys. 117, 17D128 (2015)

 “Unambiguous separation of the inverse spin Hall and anomalous Nernst effects within a ferromagnetic metal using the spin Seebeck effect”
S. M. Wu, J. Hoffman, J. E. Pearson, and A. Bhattacharya
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 092409 (2014)

“Large voltage modulation in magnetic field sensors from two-dimensional arrays of Y-Ba-Cu-O nano Josephson junctions”
S. A. Cybart, E. Y. Cho, T. J. Wong, V. N. Glyantsev, J. U. Huh, C. S. Yung, B. H. Moeckly, J. W. Beeman, E. Ulin-Avila, S. M. Wu, and R. C. Dynes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 062601 (2014)

“Full electric control of exchange bias”
S. M. Wu, S. A. Cybart, D. Yi, J. M. Parker, R. Ramesh, and R.C. Dynes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 067202 (2013)
Selected for an Editors Suggestion, and a Viewpoint in Physics. 

 “Nanometer scale high-aspect-ratio trench etching at controllable angles using ballistic reactive ion etching”
S. A. Cybart, P. Roediger, E. Ulin-Avila, S. M. Wu, T. J. Wong, and R. C. Dynes
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 31, 010604 (2013)

“Simulation of Series Arrays of Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices”
S. M. Wu, S. A. Cybart, S. M. Anton, and R. C. Dynes
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 23, 1600104 (2013)

“ Comparison of measurements and simulations of series-parallel incommensurate area superconducting quantum interference device arrays fabricated from YBa2Cu3O7−δ ion damage Josephson junctions”
S. A. Cybart, T. N. Dalichaouch, S. M. Wu, S. M. Anton, J. A. Drisko, J. M. Parker, B. D. Harteneck, and R. C. Dynes
J. Appl. Phys. 112, 063911 (2012)

“Reversible electric control of exchange bias in a multiferroic field-effect device”
S. M. Wu, S. A. Cybart, P. Yu, M. D. Rossel, J. X. Zhang, R. Ramesh, and R. C. Dynes
Nature Mater. 9, 756 (2010)

“Very large scale integration of nanopatterned YBa2Cu3O7-δ Josephson junctions in a two-dimensional array”
S. A. Cybart, S. M. Anton, S. M. Wu, J. Clarke, and R. C. Dynes
Nano Lett. 9, 3581 (2009)

“Incommensurate arrays of high-transition temperature SQUIDS from ion damage Josephson junctions”
S. A. Cybart, S. M. Wu, S. M. Anton, I. Siddiqi, J. Clarke, and R. C. Dynes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 182502 (2008)