Principal Investigator
Stephen M. Wu
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Ph. D. Physics University of California, Berkeley 2012
B.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley 2006
B.A. Physics University of California, Berkeley 2006
Phone: 585.275.3497
Ph. D. Students
Nazmul Hasan
Ph.D. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
nhasan5 (at)
B.S. Electrical and Electronics Engineering North South University 2021
Maria Vitória Guimarães Leal
Ph.D. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
mguimar2 (at)
B.S. Physics São Paulo State University (UNESP) 2022
Caleb Schreier
Ph.D. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
cschrei7 (at)
B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering LeTourneau University 2023
Masters Students

Chen Shao
M.S. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
cshao9 (at)
B.E. Mechanical Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University 2022
Undergraduate Students

Nyasha Gwaza
B.S. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ngwaza (at)

Eric Wenner
B.S. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ewenner (at)

Ethan Lin
B.S. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
elin17 (at)
Group Alumni
Dr. Ahmad Azizimanesh, Purdue University
Dr. Wenhui Hou, Samsung Electronics
Dr. Tara Peña, Stanford University
Junjie (Isaac) Wang, Northwestern University
Yufeng Yang, Northwestern University
Hahneul Shin, Samsung Electronics
Marah Abdin, Microsoft Research
Aaron Engel, University of California, Santa Barbara
Tasneem Khan, Johns Hopkins University