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February 19, 2019 | 02:07 pm

Caroline’s NREIP internship

Caroline secured an internship with the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP), a summer internship program that places college students in research positions at Navy labs. Caroline decided to choose…

February 19, 2019 | 01:55 pm

Amro and Deok-Hoon going to NCUR19

Amro and Deok-Hoon have been working on fabricating a small-scale, collapsible wind turbine, with the aim to optimize an array of them using machine learning. They took the initiative to…

December 17, 2018 | 01:06 am


The Rochester crew went to the annual meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, where Leo made his conference debut with a poster about his research project. Lots of great…

December 2, 2018 | 01:07 am

SWE Girls’ Workshop

Brennen and Prof Shang volunteered with the UR chapter of SWE for the biennial workshop for K-6 girls in the Rochester area. The theme was Lights! Camera! Action! SWE, as…

September 17, 2018 | 11:13 pm

Hajim Highlights

Our recent award from DOE was recently profiled in Hajim Highlights, alongside a medley of other high-energy density physics awards won by the MechE faculty. More detail here. Congratulations to…

August 13, 2018 | 02:36 pm

Hajim spotlight

On Amro Bayoumy, who is an undergrad in ME and was a Xerox Fellow this summer. Amro worked really hard, and learned firsthand how wind engineering is not so straightforward…

July 17, 2018 | 01:32 pm

Position available

Position available for a PhD student interested in high energy density turbulence. Click here for a detailed description and how to apply.

July 17, 2018 | 12:36 pm

paper accepted

Jeong-Hyun’s manuscript on “Dynamics of a Flexible Superhydrophobic Surface during a Drop Impact” [pdf] has been accepted for publication in Physics of Fluids. It has also been selected as an…

June 8, 2018 | 01:32 pm

new grant (DOE)

We will be receiving a grant from the Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Energy Sciences to use coherent light sources to probe the dynamic properties of fluids, along with…

June 1, 2018 | 02:22 pm


Welcome to Amro, Caroline, and Leo, who have started working in our lab this summer! Amro is a Xerox Research Fellow, Caroline is supported with a Discover Grant and under…