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Postdoc candidates

The Blok-lab has postdoc positions available. Candidates are expected to have a PhD degree and research experience in experimental quantum information science. Experience with superconducting circuits specifically is not required, but familiarity with a number of relevant techniques (e.g. nanofabrication, cryogenics, microwave electronics, programming in python, finite-element simulations, measurements of quantum systems, (simulation of) quantum dynamics, quantum theory) is key. Possible projects are available in all research areas of the group and can be discussed with Machiel Blok. We are looking for a creative and self-driven researcher who can take the lead on projects and works well in teams.

Interested candidates can apply by emailing their CV and optional research statement to Machiel Blok along with the contact information of three references.

Graduate students

The Blok-lab has openings for graduate students who have been admitted to the graduate program of the University of Rochester. Prospective graduate students can apply to the UR graduate program in the department of Physics and Astronomy. Current graduate students at the university are encouraged to reach out to Machiel to discuss. I also highly encourage anyone interested in joining our group to reach out to any current or former team members.

Undergraduate students

We are always interested in working with motivated undergraduate students. Summer internships are available through the REU program and current undergraduates at UofR are welcome to contact Machiel to discuss. Please share your CV and current transcript along with a motivation letter where you can tell me 1) about relevant past experience, 2) if there are specific research topics that you would like to work on, and 3) what you would like to get out of the research experience.

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