award biomechanics brain positions

Jessica is awarded NSF CAREER

This was actually awarded in December 2021, but the University press release is officially out! We are excited to continue working on reduced-order model development to simulate coupling between the arterial and perivascular spaces, and work with the Kearns Center on the educational mission. Congratulations also to our colleagues — a great showing for U of R!

As a result, we are seeking one or two graduate students to work with Brennen on modeling and validation with clinical data. See our Opportunities page for details.

award biomechanics brain

NIH R01 award

Our fledgling project with fluid transport in the brain, with relevance to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, was recently funded by the NIH under an R01 award for five years.  The project is headed by Maiken Nedergaard at the U of R Medical Center, and is also in collaboration with Doug Kelley and Jack Thomas also of Mechanical Engineering, among others. The project highlights the exciting overlap between the medical sciences and applied mechanics. Check out the article in URMC Newsroom.