Hitchhiking under positive Darwinian selection. Genetics 155: 1405-1413.
Source code for the H-test
The Role of Deleterious Substitutions in Crop Genomes. Mol Biol Evol 33:2307-17.
Github repository for the Bad Mutations pipeline
Identification of deleterious mutations within three human genomes. Genome Research. 19:1553-1561.
Precomputed flat file [266Mb]
A catalog of neutral and deleterious polymorphism in yeast. PLoS Genetics 4: e1000183.
PCAP assemblies for YPS163 and M22
Genome alignments of YPS163, M22 and S288C
Genome alignments of three strains combined with S. paradoxus
Assemblies and qualities of 27 strains of S. cerevisiae